dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2008

First email.

Hi Gemma!
I've done so many things this summer.
First of all, I went for five days to a camping in Platja d'Aro with my aunt and my cousins, we were all day sunbathing in the beach, so I went really brown, but then, as you know, I went to Chester, and I became white again. The two weeks I stayed in Chester were amazing, I enjoyed it a lot, I made new friends and, of course, I improved my English. The whole day excursions were to Liverpool (really beautiful) and Manchester.
In August (15th to 25th), I went to Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava with my parents, but the one that I liked most was Budapest.
And, during all the summer, I've been teaching Maths and Spanish to a nine year old boy.
See you!