dissabte, 14 de febrer del 2009

Seven pounds.

Tim Thomas is a man who was married, had a perfect house near the beach and worked as an aeronautical engineer as he always wanted. So everything was perfect until he caused a car accident and seven persons died included his wife.
A year later he gives a lung lobe to his brother Ben, a tax collector of the IRS. After that he starts to search people who needed help. He donates part of his liver to Holly, who works in the child services. Then he gives a kidney to a sixty-yeard-old man called George and he donates bone marrow to Nicholas, a young boy ho has leukaemia.
After that he contacts Holly and asks her for anyone who deserves help. She suggests him a woman called Connie who lives with an abusive boyfriend and two sons. One night Connie is really afraid of her boyfriend and calls Tim asking for help. He gives her the keys of the beach house and she moves there with her children. Before that Tim had moved into a local motel, where he had a jellyfish.
To check out his lasts candidates Tim stoles his brother's credentials and makes him know with his brother's name Ben.
The first one is Ezra, a blind meat salesman who plays the piano. To know if he worths a donation or not Tim calls him saying ungly things. He finally decides yes.
Then he contacts Emily posa, a self-employed woman who has a heart condition and a strabge blood type, the same as Tim, though. They start to spend a lot of time together and they finally fall in love. Nevertheless, Emily's condition is worsening and he decides that it's time for the donation.
Tim goes to the motel and fills the bath with ice water to preserve his vital organs. After, he calls to emergency's number saying thet a suicide has been commited. He climbs in to the bath and pulls his extremly poisonous jellyfish into it. Then Emily recives his heart and Ezra his corneas.

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